
Showing posts from 2011

Alright, we know Steve Jobs has passed...

..but don't forget to read up on Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth..

I'll be continuing to PASS THROUGH Alabama...

“The vanishing began Wednesday night, the most frightened families packing up their cars as soon as they heard the news. They left behind mobile homes, sold fully furnished for a thousand dollars or even less. Or they just closed up and, in a gesture of optimism, left the keys with a neighbor. Dogs were fed one last time; if no home could be found, they were simply unleashed. Two, 5, 10 years of living here, and then gone in a matter of days, to Tennessee, Illinois, Oregon, Florida, Arkansas, Mexico — who knows? Anywhere but Alabama. The exodus of Hispanic immigrants began just hours after a federal judge in Birmingham upheld most provisions of the state’s far-reaching immigration enforcement law.” — ...

I Am the 99%

“ College debt shows up a lot in these stories, actually. It’s more insistently present than housing debt, or even unemployment. That might speak to the fact that the protests tilt towards the young. But it also speaks, I think, to the fact that college debt represents a special sort of betrayal. We told you that the way to get ahead in America was to get educated. You did it. And now you find yourself in the same place, but buried under debt. You were lied to. ” — “Who are the 99 percent?,” Ezra Klein, The Washington Post (via hold-a-wolfs-ears ) truth. (via dopegirlfresh )

I Love The POTUS

Image → stfuconservatives : President Barack Obama criticises Republican silence on booing of gay soldier. (x) He needs to bust out that face and finger more often, it just screams “I have had. enough. of. you.” - Joe It’s also a part of “The Continuing Adventures of Barack Obama, ...

Express Scripts Disconnects from Walgreens Effective 2012..

So yeah, Express Scripts will be ending their partnership with Walgreens effective 2012. People, you just don’t know how irritated this makes me. I hate when these sumbitches take away my choices. It’s bad enough that I’m a sickly bastard that NEEDS prescriptions, but now I’m being told I have to find another pharmacy. I’m sure everyone will be like “just go to Walmart, CVS, Kroger or somewhere else”. Thing is, the few times I need meds, typically for sinus reasons, I have to go to Walgreens. Being allergic to: Aspirin Ibuprofen And Aleve (bka-Naproxen) ..means that my illnesses have to be treated on a symptom by symptom basis, and I tend to get the runaround from other pharmacies. This is the shit that makes me so livid. If I wanted to leave Walgreens, I would have done this years ago. Ah well, I guess Express Scripts doesn’t care if my rare meds aren’t available elsewhere. I must be cheaper dead. But I can’t die in 2012 because I haves shit to do. Until 2012, I...

My Two Cents About the Public Opinion of Weight

So, I was reading about Pauline Potter , the current Guinness World Record Holder for the World’s Fattest Woman. She stated that she submitted information in hopes of getting help. She stated that she’s aware she has a “sweet tooth” and possibly a “slow metabolism”. Pauline reached out to Oprah, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Phil in hopes of finding help in losing weight. What’s most disturbing about the article isn’t so much her weight being 632 pounds, but the comments of the people on Huffington Post & People Online. It really shows how people really feel about overweight people as a whole. Apparently, there’s no “slightly overweight” or “kinda fat” to people in society. Anyone who’s seen as fat gets the same treatment in public. A quick scan of the comments really disturbs me. Now, once I got beyond the typical online trolls and those with Internet Balls, I got the following ideas on what people think: *Fat people sit up all day and gorge. *Pauline shouldn’t ...

An Open Letter to Memphis City Schools

To Whom It May Concern: I’m writing to you today as an angry parent. I am angry because Kriner Cash and many others involved in the issues with Memphis City Schools think that my daughter and others in the district are pawns. Our children are suffering while those in positions are in a Power Play to try and throw their weight around. I’m certain that many will argue that the delay in the start of the school year does not mean that our kids will be denied an education. I can almost hear the patronizing voices of Board members telling us that all the City Council has to do is pay the $55 million and all will be well. I am also hearing people say “the children WILL get 180 days of education”. However, I say that I do not have the same trust in this school system to guarantee that my daughter and other children will have access to quality education. Tennessee requires children between ages 6 and 17 to be in school. However, until certa...

Tam's Planking Post (aka-Hush)

So, I had like, 7 people ask me what the hell Planking was. I wish I had a really solid definition that was eloquent as hell, but I don’t. So here it is… …planking is the fine art of laying face down with your arms by your side on random crap… That’s it. Seriously. Nothing more..nothing less. A certain blogger and a few other people don’t really take to this new craze. The reason stated was that Blacks were taking to it and weren’t aware of the slavery reference. One blogger even inferred that our “mindless sheep” mentality was going to be the death of us. (The slavery definition of Planking involved stacking slaves face down like planks with their arms chained to their sides). Thing is, the craze itself so happens to share its name with a very dank practice, but appears to have no racist undertones. Since I’m a staunch supporter of the insanity that is Planking, I decided to do some research. Apparently, this game was allegedly invented in 1997 and ...

She SAID She Was Sexy!!! (From 6/21/11)

A Facebook friend of mine posted a status asking if a woman should have a right to get mad when they’re harassed for dressing of the sexy. Allow me to share my thoughts in mah own forum because I didn’t want to bo-guard his. Let me begin by saying this: SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND RAPE IS WRONG AS HELL NO MATTER WHAT THE HELL A WOMAN (OR MAN) IS WEARING! NOBODY “ASKS FOR IT”! Now, onto my thoughts. I think that some women these days have made things difficult for themselves. Some of them scream about wanting a husband and how they are “Divas”. They talk about how they aren’t going to let a man mistreat them and that they deserve respect. As they’re carrying on this conversation, they’re prepping to go to the club without a bra on, wearing leggings and a short shirt with no underwear. They would have spent mad grip on a hood ass hairdo with the most flammable of cheap weave and are about to leave their kid(s) with someone who is most likely irresponsible as h...

A Short Purge of the Medulla (From 5/30/11)

You know...fokes bother me. I think there is something really wrong with our good people. We tend to spend a great deal of time complaining and bitching about what a person does wrong. We don't have any qualms in telling someone that another person is a whore or a slut. Fokes will see a pregnant girl and shake our head at her, condeming her to a life of mediocrity and shame. Families will sit in circles talking about family members who are on drugs and strung out. But nobody ever asks "why". Why does that woman feel the need to be sexually open with whoever she feels like? Why did that young girl end up pregnant? Why did that relative get hooked on drugs? Well, nobody asks because it's not as interesting to find out anything. Research takes time and effort. The outcome isn't always as interesting as the hypotheses. I guess if it turned out that the young girl really felt as if she was in love with the father of her child and believed him w...

Tam's Two Cents on Bullies...(From 5/10/11)

This morning before my Grandma picked up the kids for school, I heard a troubling exchange between middle school girls. From what I could see out my patio door, it was one smaller girl surrounded by 4 taller girls. I turned down the TV and listened. The ringleader, who I referred to as Baby D had a lot to get off her chest to the young girl. As a matter of fact, Baby D did most of the talking for a good minute. "I don't preshate you talking to my man, bitch. You think you all that, but you ain't shit! You think you bout something because you got good hair? Bitch, I'll snatch you baldheaded about mine. Don't be rolling your eyes at me either because I'll punch you in both eyes". "I'm not trying to get with your man! He is my partner in a project! That's all! Please stop with the crap before I call the police on you"! "Bitch, put that Cricket phone down! You'll be knocked out and I'll be long gone before you...

After a Round With Coco B. Ware (Originally from 4/26/11)

Again yall, I can't believe I allowed myself to resort to such foolery. I don't usually do that, but for some reason, it had to be done. Allow me to share the backstory for those who didn't catch the act... In September 2009, I took a picture of a gentleman with a very nice purse. The subtitle was "Really..." and I proceeded to compliment his purse. Only one person made mention of his lifestyle (as I am mindful that not all people are in agreement with the LGBT community), but we all remarked about his purse... ..not satchel.. Today, he added me as a friend. It wasn't until I saw he commented on the picture that I realized he took the pic as a slight. Instead of being a grown man and messaging me, he attacked me under the picture. Jones even called me a "fat Murtle Urkel"! LMAO! DUDE! Though I never once attacked his lifestyle, I admit that I went in on him because I didn't appreciate how he came at me. I didn't apprecia...


It's odd looking at this blog and wondering where I disappeared to for like two months. I realized that I didn't. It blew up. Like, it didn't cooperate. So, I'm going to be posting some of my greatest hits in that two month break...because yall don't want to foller me on Tumblr or whatnot. And this here is my stomping ground, too. Methinks this is called "Saturating the Market". I want EarthWindFire82 EVERYWHERE!!!

Fundamentals of Summertime Fat...

Allow me to begin by saying...I'm fat. I knew last Tuesday. I'll be fat again this Tuesday. Seeing as I am of the fat, I can share this good knowledge with thee. As it is hot as hell, I think we should address how to be fat in the summer. After all, everyone pissed on their resolutions back in March. Many big gals (and boys) have violated the fat rules already. In case you didn't know what said rules are, allow me to share: 1. Wear what you like, as long as it fits and you have proper undergarments. 2. Know your body's shape, flaws and all. 3. Lift and separate when washing. 4. Be confident 5. No need to talk about skinny fokes. Just the mean skinny fokes. Simple rules for fat fokes to live by. And in June, sumbitches have already pissed on the rules. Thus far, rules #1, #2 and #3 have been pissed on. Royally. Rule #1 gives you freedom to wear whatever the hell you want. That means if you are a size 28 and you find a dress your size, party on Wayne! HOWEVER...

Good Friday Comedy...aka-The Plight of the Conchord

So, I had a lot of funny stuff to happen this week in my plight of slowly de-fatting myself. I reckons I'll share. I had a few moments of freedom at work and I decided that since I haven't had time to work out, I would do that thing where I just have fast breaks of extra movement. You know, since I can't go outside and walk the track, I would powerwalk around the floor. Seeing as I'm often perch-ed at my desk, I assumed some movement was better than none. I took the scenic route to the ice machine. I picked up the pace coming in and out of work. Just anything. So, one day, I decided to hoof it out of work. Something about these Reebok Zigtechs that makes me forget I'm fat. Your girl, straight BALLED OUT! I mean, I was running for the first time since I last went to the Mid-South Fair! I didn't even fall! Suddenly, a man was running with me. I said, "burning calories too"? He said "no, I was about to ask what happened"? I blinked....

T.E.N. Musical Equilibrium..or Lack Thereof

Beyonce's new song sucks to me. Sorry. I don't mean to alienate my gays. But I took a listen to "Girls (Who Run the World)" and I was like, it would be a good song if she wasn't singing. Like, if a SWAC band was playing the song while the gays and Jaycettes dance. Listen to it...( See? I almost caught an epilepsy. You can't play that shit in the club! On a side note, I really hate that music has fainted like this. Anytime a person could come up with this high rooty-pootery and it float just because you are a big name..the industry is dead! I could hit her in the mouf with a houseshoe for this song. It was so bad, I been purging my brain with Earth Wind & Fire, Prince, Phyllis Hyman and Pharoah Sanders! Oh man. I am so mad! I am only 28 but I know that if we don't get some real artists out here soon to put together a track that isn't over-produced Tom Foolery soon, I...

Some #RichyShit


Is We Growing Down?

First of all, where are the following people: Dru Down? MC Eiht? Positive K? Your Daddy? So anyways, I am uber hyper today, and I keep feeling like if I don't watch myself, I'm going to cut a damn cartwheel. I have to remind myself that I am fat so I won't jump off of anything. *cues Go Go Gadget Gospel* Well, I was wondering if people get to a certain age and grow down. I have never encountered so many immature people in my life. I don't know if it's a subconscious desire not to be a responsible adult or just adult-onset bitchdom. In the short time we've been in 2011, I have discovered that fokes are acting extra tasty crispy. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions. Nobody wants to be ambitious. Why is we not taking care of your damn kids? PULL YO GOTDAMN PANTS UP! Why is you always gossipin'? **sidebar, not the GOOD gossip either** Are people afraid to be adults? Must we remain in a perpetual state of schoolyard? Can men be men and wome...

Saddle Shoes & Back in the Groove

I meant what I said yesterday. I still wonder where the punchline is. Like, when is someone going to tell me that this is a major joke and it's going to get better soon. You know, like...where is Amy Grant to come out with the happy people and the dude dressed like Spiderman to say "little birdie, you're free cuz he paid the price". That's what happens when I take Tylenol PM too early. Sooo yeah, last night, I sat up and thought. I had no choice because I was up front with CJ and he hides remotes. I let something get to me that had never gotten to me before. At age 28.781, I allowed something that has affected me from birth finally get me down. Something that I had cracked jokes about, hid quite well and even ignored...had broken my spirit. After tearing up, I had to ask myself why it bothered me this time. What about this last month made me so upset. I realized why...because I actually started to pity myself. Tamara...pitied herself. I am the bouncy, bubbly ...

The Life That Is Mine..

I demand a recount. Somebody thought it would be mad funny for me to be born this way. You know...THIS way, with this janky ass genetic condition that has affected my life. I know someone is going to go off into a tangent about how people's lives are worse than mine and that I should be thankful that I can "hide" my condition. CJ & I can still live normal lives and no one ever know something's "afoot". But I can't hide mine like CJ could. Every aspect of my life is affected by it. A few podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons figured they'd be helping me by cutting and moving shit so I could have a better quality of life. Life is so improved that I'm a fatass, legally handicapped chick who can't even dress up because she can't find shoes. Wait for the leap for joy. When we took CJ to Campbell Clinic, I was overjoyed to hear that he was doing well and that the doctor was going to avoid surgery at all costs and my feet were the reason...

Jode Patricia Wonsey, aka-Sunshine...A Year With God

Anyone knows that a part of recovery involves dealing with your feelings. You never forget things, but you have to confront your emotions. So, as a part of healing, I am going to share my feelings about a sweet soul who went to be with God on 3/30/10. At the time of this writing, one year ago, I was texting and Tweeting Jode. Nothing of importance, just our usual banter. She made fun of my pregnancy cravings and I told her to FedEx me some smothered pork chops. Of course, we still enjoyed running gags about Las Vegas and swore we would be returning to Vegas some kind of way. Had I known that was the last night I would ever talk to Jode, I think I would have ended it with "love ya, Chica". It was a love between friends. In our case, fast friends. Jode wasn't in my life very long, but our friendship was full of joy and laughs. This, I would find out at her funeral, was why everyone fell in love with her. She had an infectious laugh and a smile that was simply mesmerizi...

Tam's Two Cents, aka-High Tax Time Gankery

*in Baptist preacher voice* I won't be before ya long... It's been a while since I shared my thoughts with you all, but I had something to get off my chest portion. Last night, I saw a news report about Super Fast Taxes and how they ganked a lady out of $1800. Go here if you didn't see it ( As I watched it, I got angry. I got mad because people are being robbed by all of these refund places that pop up out of the woodwork. But what I got angriest about is how ignorance spreads in our community and it seems as if we aren't doing a damn thing about it. The young lady stated that she went to that place because it was in walking distance, which was understandable. But if you look at the place, it looks about as janky as the Tape Man that popped up in beauty shops years ago. Of course, the IRS doesn't regulate those places because anyone can be a tax preparer. Hell, I could pr...

We Don't Need Another Savior, aka-Get Off Your "Grass"

HEY! Today's episode of Tam's Rant is brought to you by the Letter Q and the Number 8. Tam's Rant is also sponsored by Grace Brothers Menswear. Don't worry if the trousers are too tight, they'll ride up with wear. Now, to the Rant at hand. I guess the title is kind of questionable. However, it's exactly what it is. We just don't need another Savior. I mean, those of us who believe in God have the good King Jesus, the Late, Great JC, so we should be just fine. But it appears that many people are grasping for more salvation from wherever it can be found. Lately, I have read so many things that make me feel as if people want someone or something to improve their lives. Women want a man (or woman) to come and make all of their pain go away. People want some kind of legislation to make them gainfully employed again and parents want a magical vote to keep a school system divided or to unify a city. Everyone needs a hero or something and it befuddles me ro...

The Frayser 90, or as I say, the Frayser 180...(or 178)

'Ello! I don't think I'll have to provide much backup in explaining what the title of my blog is referring to. To those who aren't sure, Frayser High School has made news for having 90 pregnant students. Ninety. Like ten less than a hunnerd. Apparently, this story has made its way around the country and has caused quite a stir amongst everyone in the area. The heat and attention led to Kriner Cash making some kind of lie about there being a program. There is debate about the existence of said program for pregnant fokes, but either way, there is indeed a problem. Well, several. Allow me to share. *First and foremost, there aren't 90 pregnant students, it should be 180 pregnant students. That is the biggest problem for me. It goes back to society's tendency to place the blame and worry in the laps of the mothers. She didn't turkey baste herself, did she? Since I first heard about this issue, so much emphasis has been placed on the young ladies. ...

Am I Black Enough For You?

This is probably going to be a highly controversial note, but it just needs to come out. I strongly encourage opinions and thoughts to be shared because that's how I roll. If you can't be respectful, then you know how I rolls on that too. As you can see by my title, I have posed a question. I am not asking about myself, but in general.. Somewhere in time, there came this mentality that being Black was not just about race. Apparently, it is an experience, a burden, a joy, a pain, a wish, a steppingstone, an honor, a curse, an attitude.. ..a dream.. ..a nightmare.. ..a mentality.. ..a whole lot more than the box you check when you apply for a job. This is why I am a bit curious. When did being Black become so much more than your race? Why is it now an all encompassing being? Is it really like that symbiote that took over Eddie that changed his very attitude? All of this pondering stemmed from Sheila Johnson's little janky comments about Oprah's network not ...