De-Fat Thoughts, aka-Salute Me or Shoot Me
I knew I'd find a way to use that Flocka album title in a blog. MOVIN ON... Honestly, it really amuses me how people treat you when you're in the process of trying to lose weight. You find out that many people are broken down into the following categories: * The "Don't Change" Person: This person is the one who is always quick to tell you that you don't need to change anything. You find this person tends to start early in the game by telling you there's no real need for you to do anything you're doing. "You look good as you are" or "there's nothing wrong with a little meat on your bones". That is true as hell. However, they seem to neglect that YOU want to change your weight. * The Cheerleader : That's pretty cut and dry. They're the ones cheering you on. It doesn't matter if you lost one pound or eleven pounds, this person is in your corner all the way. There is a bit of a gift and a curse wi...