T.E.N. Entertainment and Photos for 1/27/09

Salutations! I begin this episode by saying that listening to "Soulfinger" makes me want to learn how to play guitar. However, listening to "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix makes me want to smoke. Go figure.

Well, I got a lot o' photos. None of them fit together...except for THESE:

Speaking only for myself, I never get tired of photos of Obamanem. I do believe that when Malia starts dating, she is going to be a bad pone toni. Why? I mean, your mom is a bad broad and your dad is the first Black President. How do you date that, fellas? Can you imagine meeting the fam? I pray for that man right now!

Well, I guess that's all the Obamanem pics for the day. Now, onto errbody else.

These fokes are pregnant:

We already knew that Jill was expecting. I just tip my hat to her for making it through the heat of Botswana whilst in her first trimester. Also, quite a few people didn't know this, but she said she was told she would never have kids. Molly Ringwald is pregnant with twins @ 40. They're going to write it into her show "Secret Life of the American Teenager", which is an oddly good show. ANNNND look at the belly on Kimora! As some of my readers would say...look at the neck too...


Here's the wedding pic of my former baby daddy, Michael Jai White:

He got married to Dr. Courtenay Chatman in 2005 two days after SHE proposed to him. Yes, SHE asked him! And HE said "yes" and they were married TWO days later. Allegedly, she didn't know he was Spawn, and Mike Tyson, and all the other great things I love about him until they were already dating. She is a normal chick though, which is gravy. She's an OB/GYN in LA (damn that was a lot of letters) and he's "Black Dynamite". She didn't even wear makeup in this pic! Here they are with their daughter Morgan Michelle, born on Christmas Eve '08.

Is it bad that I want his pic on my wall even though that ain't my baby??? Alas, I digest.

*sings "That Baby Don't Look Like Me" whilst sipping on a soda that she's sure somebody spit in*

In other news, it appears that Chris Tucker is pudgy:

Either way, he needs to be in somebody's movie. Oh, and that is Raven Symone with him. That ain't a very flattering photo either. We know she's a normal chick, but the angle and outfit ain't right.


In other "That Ain't Right" news, we have the following:

Jessica Simpson trying valiantly to hide that she's thickening up a little. Somebody tell her that wearing two belts, a tight shirt and high-waisted jeans doesn't hide anything...it makes it WORSE!

Evan Rachel Wood and Mickey Rourke from "The Wrestler" are allegedly DATING! In case you don't know them very well, she's 21 and he's 56...

Like really. But her ex-boyfriend was Marilyn Manson, and he's 40.

Jacki-O in an interesting position. I don't think the magazine will sell that many copies with her face being seen like that. They need to move it down to the neck so they can build up the suspense.

Due to the economic downturn, Janet Jackson is cancelling some concerts overseas. Methinks that means that she's not selling any tickets...

I don't think it's right, nor is it fair that Keith Sweat and Flavor Flav look this bad, yet keep attracting a crapload of womens. Sweat Hotel my ass.

I...I...well, hell. I have to go on to the next pic.

These are some of the items from the Death Row Liquidation Sale! Yes, for a small fee, you can buy Suge Knight's underoos! LMAO! How much do you charge for that? REALLY NIGGA?!?

Why is it that old men think they can look good wearing black jeans? Enlighten me as to why Tito Jackson did that in front of company?!?

Moving forward to "Get it Bitch" news...

Here's Angela Bassett in the airport! Even dressed the hell down, the woman looks good. I tips my hat!

We have the reunited En Vogue photo. They preserved well!

To the right of TI, we have Ms. Jurnee Smollett. I am still in shock at how beautiful she has become. She was never busted or anything, but I can't get past her being in "On Our Own" on ABC with her other 73 siblings. I wonder where the other 38 of the Smollett kids went?

Sister LaToya Jackson didn't use as much on her face, so she qualifies for this category. Well, until the next surgery...

In case you didn't see, Mo'nique has lost some serious weight! I don't have the number of pounds, but she has lost the weight nonetheless. I have been reading some rough reviews about her weight loss though. Apparently, the haters have been trying to attack her "skinny bitches are evil" jokes by saying that it was envy that made her say that.

I say that skinty bitches are still evil! She just didn't want to DIE motherf*ckers! JESUS!

For $19.99, you can buy Toccara's exercise video! She is SMALL sons!!! WHOO I hate!

On to the rest of the news...

Here is Jamal "Gravy" Woolard with his wife...the one he allegedly Jap Slapped...*laughs*

After years of being elsewhere, here's Kima from Total. Looks the same to me.

LisaRaye tells Essence the biz. Basically, her dad was a multimillionaire who owned hotels, motels, houses and some more. She said that she was used to the finer things, and while she's from the South Side of Chicago, she's no hoodrat. I got more to read soon, but the message board has been lighting her ass on fire! They think she's basically saying she's not just a gold digger, but a gold digger from birth! Hmm... Well, I don't give a damn where she's from or who her daddy is, but dammit, she's always going to be DIAMOND!

This is the poster for Beyonce's next valiant effort at acting titled "Obsessed", costarring Idris Elba and Ali Larter. She's going to get to fight in this movie. YAY!

Last, but not least...we have Taj from SWV on "Survivor". I'm kind of giddy, but I'm just wondering if she's going to break out in song at random points in the show...

OH, and Ugly Betty is going on hiatus beginning 3/26/09 until the summer...

WELL, I guess that's it. Join me again in a few days when I find more pictures of people to talk about. Right now, it's kind of dry, but that's because everybody is still sleep from the Inauguration. Maybe next time, we'll get some pictures of people who ain't right.




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