Bitterness, aka - Pull Up With a Lemon

When you think of someone being bitter, what comes to mind?

Go ahead..think aboot it whilst I reopen my fridge in hopes of food magically appearing.

WELP, what you come up with?

*That angry baby mama?

*The uncle who ain't been shit since Vietnam?

*Your best friend who shoulda played them numbers?

Betcha didn't think of a positive example of bitterness, did you?

Maybe because like selfishness, anger, jealousy, and some other words I'll conjure up after I hit "submit", bitterness has a negative connotation.

Because my ass has a point to prove, I Googled the word.

And because my ass is lazy, I did it on my phone.

Look at definition number two:

"Anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly".

As a WHOLE black woman in Trump-Ass America, I'm reminded DAILY of reasons to be bitter.

One reason I have is best explained on a YouTube video of me talking aboot the "Opioid Crisis.

Shiiid, I'm bitter aboot being broke, injured, disabled, highly educated yet lowly paid, living in a state in which weed is YET illegal, my daughter's biopappy being Father of the Year with 75% of his kids (she's the 25% coming up shawt), etcetera and what not.'re prolly like "what you gon' do about it?"

Well, I'm going to go to sleep, which is how I always solve problems.

Seriously, I have a-many plans in the works, but ween talmbout me right now.

But when we encounter a bitter person, we often hit them with the questions meant to bring them out of being bitter.

Again, what's wrong with it?

It's a feeling. An emotion. We have them shits for a reason. And believe it or not, bitterness can incite change.

Imagine if our elders weren't bitter about the way they were treated. They probably would've accepted things being the way they were. Speaking for myself, I was bitter at the opportunities I felt I missed when I left JSU to come back home LIKE A DAYUMED FOOL!!!

*another blog for another day*

Upon calming my tits, I began working on finishing my degree. I took the voluntary buyout from my previous employer. Though I'm still getting my footing, I've seen major progress.

To me, being bitter is not bad. I'll even go so far as to tell you there isn't anything wrong with it lasting a little longer than the masses think. My message to you is to have a plan whensenever you come out of it.

Fight the temptation to tell someone "stop being so bitter" because you're attempting to police their feelings simply due to you deeming them negative. "But she bitter about some nigga she knew wasn't right!"


"But he bitter about not getting a job he wasn't qualified for!"

Hell, an ugly, orange, booty-lipped bigoted toupee wearing ass muppet became president of the United States with no political experience.

The best way to show support is to simply say "make sure you come out of it with a plan". Don't time it. Don't erase it. Don't use it as an insult. Chantè Moore hated the nigga's dog! Betcha she had a reason!

Aight, I'm going to the kitchen again. Maybe I'll find a wayward chicken.

My sugar low.


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