A Woman's Worth...aka-More Than $500k, But Not Quite $9.99

Aight Delegation, I won't be before you long because I got to finish clipping my coupons.

Mo'nique asked us to boycott Netflix because of the diabolically lowballed offer she received of $500,000. Of course, the memes just made themselves!

Personally, I don't think she should take that low level offer. She was WELL within her right to be like "hell no". I've seen a many people say she should've accepted the offer and proved Netflix to be a fool.

To THAT, Tam says "no".

Regardless of your feels about her, I'm sick of black women having to take a low offer to be accepted, then "prove them wrong". Why the hell can't they just see our worth and govern yoself accordingly?

I've read that Netflix paid Amy Schumer more because of her call out about Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. I mean, we know Amy Schumer is as funny as chipped toenail polish, alas she is controversial...which is how she most likely got what she got.

Right now, #TimesUp is heavily trending, citing examples in which women are grossly underpaid. Hell, Michelle Williams got a g-ball for movie reshoots that earned Mark Wahlberg a million plus. Tracee Ellis Ross is renegotiating for "black-ish" like she hasn't been a vital part of the show's success. Thus, Mo'nique is another unfortunate example of the inequality in the industry.

So why aren't we tooted up as tough?

Thing is...we ARE behind her. We know good and hell well she's worth more than half a million damn dollars. Of course, the lack of mass Netflix cancellations has people thinking we aren't supporting her.

Truth be told, she has been steadily working for some time, and is an Academy Award Winning actress. That's not small potatoes by far. I personally think she should get at least $5-10mil.

But the reality of how mainstream (white) media deals with women of color is painfully evident in this situation. Playing all the spots, doing a Periscope show (that I didn't even know aboot til my friend told me), and having "Blackbird" under her belt doesn't register as being a big deal to the brass.

The hustler in me wants to say "film your own shit and self promote. Make ALL the profit!" But damn, why should someone as established as Mo have to go back to the early No Limit Records days?

She has every right to speak up, and no she shouldn't settle for less.  I think it's time to put her foot down and demand better. Fokes are saying "everytime I see her, she complaining about something". Even I'm guilty of that thought. But being in a situation where I'm making substantially less than I'm worth makes me wish I had the balls to speak up. SOMEBODY got to get their hands dirty, but it looks like that is costing her dearly.

Time to get a whole damn manager and go for the gusto. Hell, maybe it's time to walk up in someone's office with a full on "DON'T FUCK WITH ME FELLAS!"


p.s. - it isn't misogynoir to disagree with her if you do. Don't shut down people for discussing the complexity of this saga. As long as their disagreement isn't rooted in hatred of her beautiful black womanly existence, it's all gravy.


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