It Don't Look Good on You Boo-Boo

Right now, I am still in my happy state of being. However, the joy and happiness in my heart do not cloud my vision from the way things really are. Chris and I are doing fine, and I thank God that we are. It's just that in my state of perpetual joy, I came down from my Cloud to get a 10 piece dark and a biscuit and realized that there are so many miserable people in this city.

This may not be a new discovery to people, and it damn sure ain't new to me. It's as if fokes lay in waiting until they sense your happiness then all of a sudden...


Me being the slightly cantankerous individual that I am, I expeditiously cut a shine on the bastard.

Okay, so having haters is not a new phenomenon and I'm sure that they didn't stop producing haters when I got mine. It just amazes me how some people go out of their way to darken your doorway. When it became public that The Deacon and I were an item, a simple two line message on Facebook resurrected the inner shine cutter in me. I had always maintained the belief that as long as she didn't come at me, I would behave. Oh, but this bastard ass, buckethead, janky ass bitch sent me a message.

Why, oh WHY Lawd?!?

It took The Deacon to calm down the fire in my soul.

So almost two weeks later, she has still been doing little things that don't sit well with me. I am calm, and I think I'm going to take a moment to realize that in the midst of all her contempt and vitriol, she is simply unhappy. I, however, am in peace...

The great question in the midst of all this is why...why would you invest oxygen and time into trying to incite misery in the soul of someone? Granted, I have a hair trigger temper, but it takes a lot to get me angry enough to clown. How low does your self esteem have to be to do such a thing? I have been hurt before. I was:


Cheated on...

Lied to/on/about...

Waited on and got some heartache (SING LEVI)....



And for some reason I am able to go on and be productive. Why is it that I am among a rare breed that prefers to wear a smile instead of a cloak of misery and contempt? Even in my previous relationship, I had reasons to be upset. However, I have not resorted to smearing him or trying to "get revenge". I don't care what he thinks of me right now because I am complete in my own existence.

The moral of the story is that being a Hater does not look good. It makes you look you have nothing in your own life to focus on so you reach into someone else's. I wear a smile at all times. Even in pain, I smile. I don't allow miserable people to see my weak moments because that is what they look forward to. They want my tears and anger to accessorize their Ensembles of Sadness.

Sorry Boo-Boo, go find another accessory.


JodeMyJode said…
And in a simple phrase....WELL SAID. Never understood how one could still want or waste energy on someone who doesnt want them. Why go out the way, just to make yourself look simple!? And on top of that you got a child?! Lady go somewhere and be a parent! LOL put that energy into your child....or Jesus since she a holy-roller! *WTH she say to u?*

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