Mad Random Thoughts, Version n.0.

I had plans on keeping count of my Mad Random series entries, but I really forgot. I also don't plan on going back to count where I left off either. Therefore, this is Version n.0. I might come up with a new letter later, but let's not put the cart before the groceries or something. I don't know where to begin, so I'll just start saying stuff...

*Thanks to those who came to Ralph's birthday party Saturday. the leftover Patron will be served at the New Year's Eve sit and chill thingy at my house on New Year's Eve. (Damn that was redundant).

*How many of us got that text message saying:

Sing with me! Oh the weather outside is frightful n warm sex sounds so delightful n when theres no 1 else u knw, txt a hoe, txt a hoe, txt a hoe

or another that said something about slapping someone in memory of Ike Turner?

*I was having a flashback today and I started thinking about the box of cassette tapes I still own. Among them is a Celine Dion tape with "My Heart Will Go On" on it. That song really made me nauseous after the 3085th time I heard it. THEN, I bought the tape. I just found it to be funny since I got the tape for cheap after the Celine burnout.

*Jessica Simpson was accused of throwing off Tony Romo's playing during the Cowboys game the other day. By being at a football game, Jessica Simpson threw off his game playing. I would like to think that the Dallas Cowboys have a better excuse than that. I think they should have simply said that they didn't have their "A" game together. I refuse to believe her loopiness can spread across an entire team.

*Pamela Anderson filed for divorce, then changed her mind. I think she did that because people stopped giving a damn that she got married again.

*Usher's wife had his baby a few weeks ago. I know that's old news, and I may have mentioned that before, but it's still funny to me. I mean, had anyone seen a picture of Little Usher Raymond V? I'm praying he got his mom's nose. Then again, if you look at Usher's mom Jonetta, you see she got that nose too. That means that whosenever had that nose first had some hellified geneticals.

*My Grandma Judy and I had an interesting conversation last night about babies. She was telling me that she thinks Alexis is really pretty. Of course, I thanked her and told her that I think my Seed is cute, but I'm a bit partial (primarily due to the fact that many say she looks like me). Grandma Judy said that her friend Tom said "all people think that babies are cute". My grandma said "that ain't been mo' true. I think that big baby at church is ugly as hell. He so ugly he just looks mean. He two years old and ain't grew out of that ugly yet"!

*Keith Sweat has a Christmas album out now. You know, I really thought he was dead until I started hearing that "Sweat Hotel" thing on 101.1. I am probably a bastard for this, but I don't think there's anything sexy about a Sweat Hotel. Anyhoo, I was trying to find out about the Christmas album so I hit up the Wikipedia, where I found out his name is really Keith Crier. I found that ironic since a crier is often a whiner...and Keith Sweat whines.

*I read on my buddy Markus' blog that Eddie Murphy was going to (or wanting to) sign Karrine Steffans to his record label. To quote Markus, that is "Pluto Nash bad". No disrespect to Karrine, but I don't think that she should really come out with an album unless she can REALLY sing. I wanted to say "really blow", but alas, I'm on that high road. I'm starting to think that the high road is overrated though.

*Speaking of Karrine Steffans, I have read that she had a commitment ceremony with Darius McCrary. Yesh, Superhead married Eddie Winslow! Interestingly enough, he denied her to the DEATH! However, I don't know why. So many women have this deeply rooted anger towards her like Karrine stole their boyfriends or something. I tip my hat to her hustle. Basically, she did what many guys do and tell when they've smoked boots with someone. I think the hatred comes from all the women who wish they made millions from talking about the head they've gotten and given. I saw the tape...she cold!

*Leon left his Parliament CD after the party Saturday, so I copied it. I've since realized that Parliament, Bootsy, George, and nem make more nonsensical songs than every Snap, Crunk, and neighborhood rapper combined. However, there's something more talented about telling people to shake their psychodeliacs while being backed by a real live band of high musicians.

*Gas is $2.79 at the Wal-Mart by my house.

*Tailor Made won "I Love New York 2". Is it really a victory? I would consider this to be a textbook Pyrrhic Victory. Oh, and did you know that New York is only 25 years old?!? Jesus!

*Lolcats are addictive. Sheria and Stephanie started it.

*MLGW made some changes to their payment arrangements and such. Now, you only have to pay 25% of your cut off bill to keep yo lights on. Doesn't matter to me anyway because the winter moratorium means that you won't be disconnected until January 14th, 2008. I'm paying that day.

*Ike Turner is still dead.

*Oh, and last but not least in asswhooping news, Britney Spears is allegedly getting married again in Las Vegas. I hope this gossip is wrong. Wait, no I don't. I like wrecks.


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