Showing posts from 2013
365 Days Ago on This Day o' Our Lort...
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..I had gastric bypass surgery.. Yes, I did. But if you have read any of my blogs, posts, rants and whatnot, you'd know this already. I never made a secret of it, so you don't have to worry about me being all Star Jones-ed and exposed. When you make a major life-changing decision such as losing weight, people are going to know. Therefore, I never hid the fact that I chose this tool. Life, food, sickness and depression did a good ass job of helping me creep up to 411 pounds. I can't really pinpoint WHEN I noticed that I had veered over from my usual pudgy to painfully overweight. I've always been a big girl, ALWAYS been Pretty Plus thuggin. But this here pic shows the way I looked most of my 20's.. Yes, the aforementioned photo is the way I looked for a good while. In the 300's, but not too terribly huge in my eyes. Alas, so many things happened..pretty soon, I had crossed over. Decisions, Decisions My official breaking p...
Jonathan Martin, I Respect You
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I think the title says it all, but I strongly respect Jonathan for coming forward. To be a man of color in the NFL willing to walk away for the sake of his safety says a lot. To be open about the abuse that he was subjected to by Richie just inspires me. He did something that many men, let alone men of color, would not do. Make no bones about it, Martin was bullied. He was harassed. He was verbally abused. His work environment was made hostile. Incognito did not just give him a little playful rookie heckling, he threatened Jonathan's life. As if he did not disrespect that man enough, he calls him a "half nigger". Yes, yes, y'all...add racism to that. My support of Jonathan Martin comes because he went against society's norms. Before the content of the voicemails were released, commenters confirmed why many men stay silent when they are victimized: "Dude, man up" "Rookies can't hack it" "Punk" "Wimp" Even t...
Good Evening, Children!
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Mama been AWOL on the blog front for a minute. Not that I haven't WANTED to talk about stuff of little to no importance..just that I have been all over the place. I'll brief all eleven of my readers on what's been going on in my world. *The weight is still dropping like the price of expired milk. Not as much as I want, but progress nonetheless. I keep suffering from "Sitcho Ass Down" syndrome...meaning that the lack of sitting my ass down has resulted in a busted right knee and an angry left hip. One leg and a kickstand for sho. *I'm thinking about raising money for an Air Fuel Induction and some tires. I don't want to take funds away from fokes who need them, but gotdamn me, I need some tires and an Air Fuel Induction! I got the oil change and the petrol! Progress? *Friend Cedric came in town for the weekend and we hung out Saturday. It's always nice to spend time with your people, especially when they don't get to visi...
Assimilation or Self-Hatred?
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In light of the dreadlock debacle in Tulsa, OK , as well as my own transition, I felt the need to really take a look at this hair situation. Usually, I have something in mind about how I feel, but I'm really in a situation where I am befuddled. Now, the Tulsa situation where Tiana Parker found herself leaving her school over dreadlocks incensed me. But when I looked at the school's website, and saw THIS: This wasn't the decision of a non-person of color, this was a rule enforced by a Black woman! I found myself very damn confused. How could a Black woman, with her hair in what appears to be a natural style, put a rule in place that bans a style that is natural? Though the policy has been amended to no longer be hairstyle specific, the pot has been stirred. In the midst of it all, I thought back to about 13-14 years ago when I was going to a lot of programs intended to prepare Black kids for the professional world. I remembered asking ...
Can We NOT Shade the Mamas, Fokes?
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Under any post about moms being frustrated or less than Heidi Klum giddy, you'll see the following comments.. "Why have them if you won't take care of them?" "There are people out here who would LOVE to have kids" "Give them to someone else who'll love them" "HOW DARE YOU say such things about your kids?!" The comedy is that you'd think that those comments came as a response to something like a mom admitting she beats her kids on Tuesdays after dinner. But those and other comments have come from the few times moms are actually honest about the fact that they just get damn tired and frustrated sometimes. It has come to my attention that moms are not expected, nor allowed to be honest about how they feel. We are supposed to walk around with a smile on our faces at all times, and we can't tell anyone about the moments when we just want to be in silence. Whether we have a co-parent to help or not, it just seems ...
To Hell With Her..And Answer the Gee Golly Door, Bobby!
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Some time ago, I wrote about an emotional vampire. I keep thinking about her because she is something I have never had to deal with in my life. I have not lost many people I considered CLOSE friends. One situation involved the alleged friend getting mad because I didn't know enough of her business to tell her what her man was doing. She hasn't talked to me in about 4-5 years, and I haven't even tried to make contact. Not because I was so angry with her, but because she was the textbook example of why I don't get too terribly involved with people's relationship issues..the violated party gets mad that you didn't intercede, and the violator makes peace and then the violated is mad at you and hugged up with her boo. If that didn't make sense, dude does something bad, you don't tell the girl because you got your own problems, she finds out and gets mad at YOU but makes peace with HIM so you lose a friend and they are yet cool. Yeah. Shit's dum...
Thoughts from an Upright Position While Waiting on Netflix to Get Right
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Since I'm on my Law & Order: SVU...and since my dadgummed streaming service is acting stupid..I will share some thoughts 1. My upstairs neighbor needs to break up with her dude again. While she was on edge, her kids didn't run around and stampede all over the top of my damned head. It's 20:21 on a school night and they won't sit the hell down! 2. As if I'm not already on edge because of the incessant noise from my upstairs neighbor's bad ass kids, Netflix froze up YET AGAIN. 3. A picture of President Obama with his foot on his desk has sparked "outrage". We have kids being murdered, people struggling to feed their families, Church's out of spicy chicken and fokes are mad because he put his damn foot on his damned desk. Do you not understand how pissed that makes me? It isn't because I love the POTUS so much, but because I realize that people hate him so much that they really sit around nitpicking him. 4. Sheryl Underw...
Mama's First Twist Out, aka - On My Stoney Jackson for Real
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After looking on the interwebs for months, asking people who knew what the hell they were doing and following a whole lot of Pinterest boards and whatnot, I decided last week to wash my hairs out and take inventory of my natural hairs. I would say that I'm about 71% natural now, which could easily be 100% if I wasn't all scurred to chop off about 4 inches o' hairs. By choice, I said that I always needed enough to put in a ponytail until I got the hang of it. I have given myself six months before I hack the remaining relaxed hair. Six months. Then it's bye, bye, bye. Aight, so last night I decided to unass the bun and try a twist out. Here's what I did: *dampened my hair with a spray of water and argon oil. *put on some Shea Moisture curling gel and combed through like they told me on the side o' the jar. *pulled the strands tight and did a two strand twist. *took a blow dryer to it so I wouldn't catch The Monia. *put a satin scar...
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Dang Pinterest for filling my head with pretty pictures of the natural womens..with their twist outs and their cute afros! Got me all thinking my soul is anchored then I get THIS: Now I posed this question to the children on Instagrams: And they were all like "naw, it's a process" and stuff. They gave me nice tips and helpful hints and I saved them all in my phone so I wouldn't get flustered and slap a relaxer in this. Because it ain't but a small gesture before it's: Thus far, I've figured out that I shouldn't use a regular towel, so me needs a Microfiber. They suggested different transitional styles and moisturizing items. But I did find something to lay my burdens down, I mean my edges. For the interim, the unruly hairs shall remain in le poof. It's the main reason why I didn't go all hamtastic and do a Big Chop..or a Smedium Chop. I can deal with this SOMEWHAT better as long as I have a ponytail to fall back on. ...