
Showing posts from June, 2014

Lord, Bobby Womack Done Left Us


Hello. It's Me (Brief Thought)

Wassup fokes and fam! I just made a whole pitstop to tell you that Kermit's ass has been so petty in the last 24 hours! I'm going to give the other Muppets a job. Stay tuned..

Duggar Thuggin'..

One of the more random things I've ever been asked in my life was "how in the hell could you like the Duggars?" Apparently, there's this odd little thing in which I'm not allowed to watch reality shows in which the people's lives and backgrounds differ so mightily from my own. Alas, I'll elabo-rate on it while I am awaiting the update of my iTunes. *It's a Family of Humans:  Being that I didn't have the most traditional of family upbringings, I always admired and respected those who were able to have them.  Not saying that my life was in shambles, but I loved seeing togetherness.  I love seeing the teamwork and the connections.  It's really cool seeing the siblings get er done.  Personally, I don't like 19 people in real life, so methinks I would have flipped a table if my mama walked in saying "hey kids, I'm pregnant again".  I'd go apply for early college enrollment far, far aweh. *Buying Used, Saving the Diff...

Brother Meeks, You Have Shaken Le Table

The face you see above is the face of one Jeremy Meeks, a gentleman that NOBODY cared about until a few days ago.  Up until then, mugshots weren't know, like an ad for one of them clothing joints with the sexy people.  When cats like me think o' mugshots, we think of.. and then there's... which reminds me, I have to retwist my hair tonight.  And then we has this.. which ALSO reminds me that I need to get some more avocado oils.  OH, and then.. Yeah.  That's what mugshots usually look like.  Well, unless you's Prince, then you get THIS: *sniff* MOVING ON... So appurrently, the women of the interwebs were blown away by the fact that Jones looks like he came right off a Times Square ad next to Antonio Sabato, Jr.  Truthfully, I think it's FUNNY AS HELL because even some of my more laidback sisters were catcalling like we were at Chippendale's!  Hey, if you think the man is swexy, then make it known, childre...

The Beginning of the 32nd Chapter

Tomorrow, I will be 32 years old. Typically, I take time to reflect on the activities of the past year as a gift to myself. Each year, I have another reason to have joy. This year, however, I wasn't planning on doing anything for le birthday. I always have made my birthday one of debauchery and fun. Minus the 20th and 30th birthdays, I never really made plans. I just knew what I wanted to do and did it. Period. I would eat, drive, laugh and live. I had my people around me. I had a couple duckets. I lived. The past few weeks had been so turrible, chile. I was super low. I kept dwelling on my failures. I told myself I had nothing to celebrate. What was I celebrating, dammit? I have no job. I HAVE NO JOB. NARY A GIG. NOT A 9 TO 5. So I said that June 11, 2014 was just another day. Kroger would have a new sale on groceries and Netflix binge watching would be on the agender... I meant to say "agender". Then, I rapped a taste with Grandma Judy. I looked on h...

I've Thought All Over Myself Again

I'm finna write myself out of my funque. In the meantime, I've decided to share something with you guise. All fourteen people who read my blog when I posteth...I has an announcement. Methinks I've figured out what my desire really is. I have a desire to really help young people. I want to make a difference in someone's life. I want to be one of those who changed someone for the better or helped motivate them to do more. I haven't figured out what capacity just yet, but I want to do something..more. Over 300 job applications have been sent out since February and they've been for some of everything. I've fought furiously to find "The Job"..often reading a description and thinking that THIS is going to be THE gig! I'd look at the shift, the pay, the company...and fall in love. I would confidently submit my info and wait.. ..and wait.. ..and check my spam.. ..and carry my phone everywhere.. ..and hear nothing. I just applied to be...

Depressed, Compressed, Oppressed, Suppressed, Damn Pressed.

I been battling depression the last month, yall. I haven't really had any motivation. I've spent the last thuddy days aggressively applying for job after job. I only got on my computer for applying. I've tried everything from receptionist to material handler and nothing has worked. I found myself getting angry. I began getting offended. I channeled my David Ruffin a la Temptations Movie and began yelling "YOU UNGRATEFUL SONS OF BITCHES" at rejection emails. I got bitter. I began feeling the urge to reply to the individuals who told me that "my experience was impressive" but they found someone "whose experience more closely matched" doing exactly what I did at my old gig. I drove up to one place that famously had me waiting FOUR HOURS only to have the owner interview someone who came in later than I did and pass me on to the other admin assistant...and fought the urge to go in and ask for him. Oh yes, children..heffer was GUN hot. Then I r...