Back Up in That A** With a Resurrection!!!

So I decided to resurrect this blog.  I don't really think it was any legit reason other than me being here and being like "I miss my old blog".

My last post here was over seven months ago.  Some major events have gone down in my realm since then.

Have a drink with me, mane.

* I got a damn haircut!  It was slick necessary because my fro had run amok.  But you KNOW my black ass is ascared of scissors, so this is monumental as hell!  Nikki chopped me and replaced the blue with burgundy.  JUST LOOK AT THIS!

* I started dabbling in makeup.  Tis kind of funny because you could never have told me I would do that shit.  I ain't Facegyrl level by far, but I can make myself look nice in public.  Been heavily on e.l.f. Cosmetics because it isn't high as giraffe ass and I look good in their items.  Mane, just look at this fineassery:

* Clothing...I feel good in it.  Due to work, I had to start finding myself some adult clothes, so my maxi dress stash done amplified.  However, I broke out the damn nice midriff baring ensembles because they fit and ain't high as hell.  I've fallen in love with Rebdolls, Fashion Nova and Amazon Prime.  I been killing the entire game (in my mind).  On a side note, I got the links on this junt so you can save if you want to shop there.  MIGHTY BIG HINT.

* My confidence level has slick increased.  I still have those moments of doubt and wonder if I'm too fat to be wearing the tight items and crop tops.  The Doll been letting the Bingo Wings free and I just threw caution to the wind, my dear!!!  It's crazy how I stopped being afraid of my body and embraced it.  I did lose 140 pounds, which is no feat.  Even if I didn't lose that much, I am 35 damn years old.  I can do whatsenever the hell I want!


* I'm owning my shit.  One of the things that I have struggled with was being embarrassed about mistakes I've made.  I'm not beating myself up anymore, and am yet on the journey to be a better Tam.  I'm also standing up for myself when motherfuckers want to throw things in my face.  One lesson I learned in therapy was how I can accept the consequences of my actions without allowing people to belittle and berate me.  I also know that things I've done was the result of low self esteem, lack of confidence, and placing my value in the opinions of others.  Ultimately, I'm the master of my fate EarthSide.  God got me up yondah.  TIME FOR A CUSTOMARY PICTURE OF ME!

* I SAW EARTH WIND & FIRE TWICE IN ONE YEAR, DAMMIT!  Yeah, so I saw them at the Orpheum in March then got a good VIP package in August.  I got a big hug from Nile Rodgers of Chic and yet another pic with my squad!

* Peace. I found that shit.  Today, I was irate as a mug and worried aboot my funds.  Then, as quickly as I felt tears forming in my eyes, I was calm.  I spent a couple hours wondering if my ass finally snapped or if I inhaled too many nail polish fumes over the last few weeks.  Maybe God did this thing where he got tired of me being disgruntled.  I dunno.  But I took a page from my Resident Sisterhuman Yolanda and said "you're okay".  I am okay.  I will BE okay.  The world is going to do its thing, so it would behoove me to do my thing.  Right now, I'm nursing a broken foot and an empty wallet.  But crying won't make my wallet full and my foot pain free.  People will pick fights with me because they're unhappy with themselves.  I don't have to carry the cross for them.  I'm stronger.  I'm peaceful.  No more stress induced insomnia because BITCH, I'm sleepy! 

With December 2017 being but a matter of hours away, I feel good knowing I'm about to close out strong than a mofo.  I'm going to do better with this blog since I got this bastard going.  After all, my voice is what makes me who I am!  That's another thing, I ain't planning on shutting up anytime soon!!!  I think this voice, in conjunction with my intellect and magnanimous beauty, will take me somewhere soon, Delegation!

Until next time, Gadget!




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