2017...The MUVA of All Learning Experiences!!!

I had been festering mightily on how FUCT UP the year of our Lorde 2017 was for me. Like, all damn year, I been catching varying degrees of hell and I just...UGH...was about to wax poetically about how I hated every damn month of this year. But I chilled. That's right. I chilled. Instead of allowing myself to cry, wax, wane and go on about the shitshow that was this whole year, I decided to do myself a much needed favor. I'm about to flip all of this and tell you that each and everything that happened to me has made me a magnanimous mofo who is about to show herself a thing or two. You can spectate if you wanna. *Self Love is The Best Love: All this year has been a chain of reminders that nobody is going to give me love like I can. Shiiiid, it's a reason why people flock to train wrecks. Either they want to save the day or watch shit burn. Thing is...how do you know who's coming to do what? There's a risk in awaiting rescue because you ma...