Goodbye, Bouncy

Typically, this is the blog in which I reflect on my year. It was a rather eventful year, this 2014. But I admit this will be a stark departure from my usual.

I can't deny that I have done some big ass, bad ass things this year. I actually RETIRED from my first adult job at age 31! I took a six month vacation then started an even better gig that has already been wicked awesome. I got a SECOND Yukon, yes Gawd, and gas is cheap enough for me to drive *points* that way for as long as I want!

Even as I revel in my blessings and successes, I close 2014 at the lowest point I have been in a very long time. Each of those highs were shared with a wonderful friend who left us on December 23rd of this year. When I got that phone call, my world fell into a million pieces.

I know it may sound dramatic to say that one loss overshadowed all the victories in El Mundo del Tam..but right now, it does. Imagine listening to a fie ass orchestral piece and then having the strings removed. You may still LIKE the sound, but you know it sounded better with those strings.

Taniya was my string section.

She made the music of my life sound awesome.

When I was up, I knew she was up with me. When I was down, she helped me up. She leveled me out when I was ready to throw a molotov I was really, really mad as hell.



Moving on.

I'm sure that some of you have that Ride or Die who held you down for 2/3rd of your life, and even if your chat wasn't daily, it never ended. When I heard "Many Moons" by Janelle Monae on my phone, I knew I had a gem coming. Who would have thought the last time I heard it would be her husband telling me she was gone.

I could write about her all night, telling of the comedies we had. How pineapples in rum still counted as a section on Le Food Pyramid and how Marsha Ambrosius sang "Say Yes" in a way only Taniya could imitate perfectly. Sushi was just as cool as fried fish and Price kicked ass at the Pyramid in 2004.

I am going to take a deep breath now and let my feels be. I want to ring in 2015 the way she would want, but I am just going to have to be cussed out because I can't get right.

I loved her as a sister. And that says a lot for someone who only liked six women at a time.

Taniya..thank you for 20+ years of giggles, running gags and all the Prince one could need.

And yes..Chelsea Rodgers WAS a model.

Rest in Power.



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