I need my ass WHOOPED for the last five days!!! I know I didn't do right. I feel kind of bad because I wasn't intending on being as sedentary on the holiday week. I threw down the last three days on the fie barbecue, had some brownies, drank a gang of tea...UGH! Honestly, I'm alternating between emotions right now. Do I get on my own ass for not doing right or do I applaud myself for progress thus far? Do I acknowledge that 20 pounds of weight lost is great or do I get mad that it's not more? Well..I will not allow myself to go back to a slump about this. I know I want to do more, and I know that I'm gathering more info to do better. So I will give myself a shout out for still having the desire to work out and live better. Since I have never been on this type of journey before, it's still processing for me. I have to fight the mental mind...in short, I have to be mindful that progress is progress...even if it isn't what I want it to be....