We Don't Need Another Savior, aka-Get Off Your "Grass"
HEY! Today's episode of Tam's Rant is brought to you by the Letter Q and the Number 8. Tam's Rant is also sponsored by Grace Brothers Menswear. Don't worry if the trousers are too tight, they'll ride up with wear. Now, to the Rant at hand. I guess the title is kind of questionable. However, it's exactly what it is. We just don't need another Savior. I mean, those of us who believe in God have the good King Jesus, the Late, Great JC, so we should be just fine. But it appears that many people are grasping for more salvation from wherever it can be found. Lately, I have read so many things that make me feel as if people want someone or something to improve their lives. Women want a man (or woman) to come and make all of their pain go away. People want some kind of legislation to make them gainfully employed again and parents want a magical vote to keep a school system divided or to unify a city. Everyone needs a hero or something and it befuddles me ro...