
Showing posts from April, 2013

Just Some Thoughts, aka - Yeah, Son.

1.  I don't find anything wrong with stating your beliefs. I don't even have to agree with them.  What makes this country SOMEWHAT cool is the ability to have differing beliefs without someone murdering you.  However, what makes this country somewhat sucky is that people like to take their First Amendment right and bash you for not agreeing.  Why can't you simply say " let's agree to disagree " and move on? 2.  Jason Collins announced he was gay and the web has been abuzz.  I already knew to expect people to disagree with his lifestyle and coming out.  What I did NOT expect was for people to only be allowed to fall into two categories: Supportive or Homophobe.  I am a proud, PROUD ally, but even I know some people simply don't agree with people being gay.  Voicing your disagreement with the lifestyle but maintaining respect for the PERSON is fine.  Treating them horribly due to your disagreement sucks. 3.  What I will admit ...

Today's GIF of Tam Reactions...

Something is seriously wrong with humans..

I'm Still Awkward.

Like this. And this.

Hot Dang, It's Friday!


Some Couples Kill Me Mane...

I swear fo' cheese and crackers...what happened to having your own identity?  Can you not be YOU while being with another?  I mean, I don't want to be with someone who wants to be on me like that damn Black Symbiote that took out dude.. Is it no longer popular to be who you are, be happy WITH someone but not sell out?  Can you have a Facebook page without it being "JaneNJohn's Page"?  I be like "Jesus mane...didn't you live before this person?" Maybe in this day and time, the puppy love style of dating has expanded to adults.  You have to have the finest of PDA, matching shirts ALL the time, you can't have a convo without the significant other's name popping up...and you have to prove to everyone in every picture that you love that person so damn much.  Can't have a status or a Tweet without leaving your mush everywhere. I've had enough.  I'm tired.  Shoot.

Reduced Damns Given Day..

Yep. No. Damns. Given.

I Need a Retouch! Can't Go Natural!!!

Because having a ponytail with a big swollen center sucks.

You Can't Fill Up On Bread and Water...

I'm not going to be before you long... I know those are famous last words from a many a COGIC pastor...lmao!  But I was just thinking about something vexing my little soul. People really don't know what they are worth anymore.  They think that they have to just take whatever you throw at they are some starved out dogs.  I remember being that way some years ago myself.  I didn't know my value...what I really deserved...and I always had someone who felt that same way about me.  When I say "felt that same way about me", I mean that they knew I didn't know what I they didn't apply themselves. If I thought I was worthy of only getting one phone call per week, they didn't bother to call me twice a week.  I didn't think I deserved a wonderful night on the town, so I took the little Chinese food date at my humble abode.  Again I stress, damaged people attract damaged people that's what I always got.  Even though...