As indicated by me title, I'm three weeks into my lifestyle change. I haven't weighed myself or broke out the tape measure yet, and I don't think I will do it right now. I doubt I'd be mad at the changes (if any), but I rather wait until after I get this dadgummed eating pattern right. Apparently, the hardest part of de-fatting my ASS isn't the bike riding and walking, it's the eating! I haven't sinned drastically, even on Le Cheat Day. I have had a really reduced appetite since I'd been working out more, so I decided that was of the Wicked Persuasion. I've been putting down liters of agua at work, which is great because I used to be a Dr. Pepper drainkin' individual. I stopped with the wayward snacks and didn't pig out at lunch. I thought I was well on my way here. I'd eat breakfast and it wasn't a 5 piece hot wing from Krystal's. When I ate dinner, I ate until I was full..regardless of what was left when I got to said...