
Showing posts from January, 2008

Winter in America Lyrics

I felt the need to post these lyrics to kind of show how the situation in America isn't too far from the time this was written. Gil Scott-Heron is indeed the truth, and of course, truth must be shared. I know that we are at war, but like Gil said, nobody knows what to save... There's a live performance of it. I don't know if he deviated much in this performance, but it's still the truth. From the Indians who welcomed the pilgrims And to the buffalo who once ruled the plains Like the vultures circling beneath the dark clouds Looking for the rain Looking for the rain Just like the cities staggered on the coastline And a nation that just can't stand much more Like the forest buried beneath the highway Never had a chance to grow Never had a chance to grow And now it's winter Winter in America Yes and all of the healers have been killed Or sent away, yeah But the people know, the people know It's winter Winter in America And ain't nobody fighting 'Ca... rewritten by me about Scientologists

You know what. This may be that parody that gets my tires slashed... If you don't see me again after this, then tell my momma I love her. Also, if you don't see me again after this, then tell Ralph to take care of Lex and not to let Donald get sole custody. I'm doing a living will after I get done here. Anyhoo, I want people to know that I respect freedom of religion, but I can't consider this a religion, my friends... Crazy Originally written & performed by Gnarls Barkley Blashphemed by Tamara Wicks I remember when, I remember, I remember when he lost his mind There was something so funny about that day. Jumping up and down like a monkey on Oprah's couch Celebrities out there Without a care, Yeah, they are out of touch But it wasn't because they didn't know God's Son They just listened to L. Ron Does that make Tom crazy? Does that make Doug E. crazy? Does that make Kelly crazy? Possibly And I hope that they have the time of their lives But think Chr...

From the Depths of the Sea...a blog

Salutations! Greetings! Hello! What it DEW?!? Now that I've introduced myself, I guess I can tell you all my weekly two cents about stuff that I have read, seen or ran over while listening to Ray Parker Jr. (Moment of Silence for that bird). Okay, now that we got THAT shyte out the way, here's some interesting stuff... *An article inquired about why the Simpson Sisters catch so much hell* I may not have run out and bought all of their albums, but I think it's obvious why they can't catch a break. We ALL know what the hell happened to Ashlee (hello? Como se dice "Saturday Night Live" lip sync?). Both of them have high profile relationships and then there's their dad who has no hobbies outside of their careers. Poor Jessica's movie "Blonde Ambition" averaged $48 per screen on December 22, 2007 for a total box office of $384. That means more people saw "Pootie Tang". Sa da tay! I actually kind of like them...oddly. If they were drunke...


Articles like these piss me off. I sometimes wonder if people really know what is right or wrong. Then, I wonder if their judgment is skewed. Nonetheless, I think it is situations like these that make me feel blessed that I have the right state of mind. I don't know what these women are thinking sometimes... HOUSTON (AP) - A woman accused of leaving eight children with little food and no money while she traveled to Africa to marry a man she met on the Internet has been arrested. Shanell Monique Mosley, 33, was met by authorities as she got off an Air France jet Monday at George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Harris County sheriff's spokesman Sgt. David Crain said Tuesday, January 29, 2008. Charged with child endangerment and child abandonment for leaving the children in squalid conditions, Mosley was expected to have an attorney appointed for her at a Wednesday court appearance. After the children were discovered alone in the home in early January, officials learned Mosley ...

Stimulate yoself...

So, my phone has been buzzing quite a bit lately about the infamous Economic Stimulus checks that millions of us are going to receive. Quite a few people have been giddy on my behalf because according to the last known report, I will get an extra $300 because I have a seed. Now, being the giddy individual I am, I found myself nearly cutting a few flips until I realized that my foot isn't completely recovered. Once I calmed down, I cracked a corny joke in my Facebook & MySpace blogs about this windfall: "I'm stimulating my Wachovia account." Maybe the thought of getting at least $600 should have excited me more, but I just didn't completely agree with the idea of the government being like that cousin that borrowed money from you and took so long to pay it back that you thought it was a gift. I understand the idea behind the Rubles...they want us to put it back into the economy. However, I can't completely say that I'm going for that. I may have mi...

So, I was walking the other day, right?

Okay, anyone who knows me knows that I am indeed a fool who can't walk in a straight line. Leave it to Tamara to attempt walking in said straight line Tuesday and step on a damn acorn and have my ankle to twist to the point where it touches the ground. YES, A DAMN ACORN!!! So, I quickly regained my balance and did the infamous look around to make sure nobody saw what happened. Seeing as I was wearing some Shox, it felt like I dropped quite a bit before I got my wits about myself again. I didn't fall, but I am starting to think I should have. Anyhoo, I go on aboot my business and notice that my foot is hurting progressively worse, but decide to go on into work anyways. I told my girl Yvette what the hell happened, and she told me that her friend had twisted his ankle jogging in Nike Shox. She brought me some ice and told me to elevate said foot. Of course, being that I work in an office, word had spread within ten minutes that I was working with one leg and a kickstand. Another ...

A lapse in judgment or negligence?

I would like to begin by saying Happy New Year to my fellow bloggers! Unfortunately, we had to begin 2008 with the deaths of two young boys. The entire city has been abuzz about this issue. I have heard some of everything about their mother Aundria Jones ranging from pity to outright contempt. As a mother, I know my heart would have dropped to the floor had I been there and seen those two boys come out on those stretchers. The very thought of losing my child in such a tragic way crushed me. I also went around my apartment--checking outlets, cords, wires, etc to make sure that neither one of us were awakened or killed by a fire. Truthfully, I think that the negative feelings directed toward Aundria Jones is only because she left the boys alone to go out on New Years Eve...period. I think if this had occurred while she made a quick run to the gas station or even to get food for them, then people wouldn't have been so up in arms. Then there is the revelation of the fact that th...