Mama been AWOL on the blog front for a minute. Not that I haven't WANTED to talk about stuff of little to no importance..just that I have been all over the place. I'll brief all eleven of my readers on what's been going on in my world. *The weight is still dropping like the price of expired milk. Not as much as I want, but progress nonetheless. I keep suffering from "Sitcho Ass Down" syndrome...meaning that the lack of sitting my ass down has resulted in a busted right knee and an angry left hip. One leg and a kickstand for sho. *I'm thinking about raising money for an Air Fuel Induction and some tires. I don't want to take funds away from fokes who need them, but gotdamn me, I need some tires and an Air Fuel Induction! I got the oil change and the petrol! Progress? *Friend Cedric came in town for the weekend and we hung out Saturday. It's always nice to spend time with your people, especially when they don't get to visi...