T.E.N. Editorial...Shield & Protect Our Children
If you are in any way up on the current events, you have heard of Shaniya Davis before. Shaniya Nicole Davis was a 5 year old girl in North Carolina. { var img = this; onloadRegister(function() { adjustImage(img); }); }" src="http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs068.snc3/13542_179790959444_500059444_2729596_493453_n.jpg" class=" "/> A beautiful child who was raised by her father, Bradley Lockhart, for a majority of her life. After years of being raised by her father, Shaniya's mother, Antoinette Davis made a request that her daughter be allowed to live with her. Feeling confident in the mother being gainfully employed for six months, Bradley allowed Shaniya to move home with Antoinette on October 9, 2009. A month or so later, Shaniya is found dead on the side of a road. { var img = this; onloadRegister(function() { adjustImage(img); }); }" src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs068.snc3/13542_179791374444_500059444_272959...