Didn't Kill Me!
You know something, I have realized that the old phrase of a bad apple spoiling the whole bunch is very true. Of course, that phrase has evolved and modernized to the point where it's now something like one person "effing it up for everybody". In today's episode, we find that a few people who turned corporal punishment into abuse has made it difficult for Old School Parenting to continue into the future. Before some of my older readers look at me funny and wonder what I know about Old School Parenting, I will say that I am a product of said style. I wasn't much of a difficult child, but when my foolishness surpassed the loss of privileges, I got spanked. I always knew why I was getting said spanking, and I made darn sure not to repeat that action. Over the years, some people have turned spanking into "beating". Some parents felt the need to physically reprimand their kids with objects you shouldn't even hit an adult with. I mean really, why would you...