Heddo 2016!

I didn't do a good job with 2015. At. All. Chile baby, The Doll spent that whole year in a perpetual state of sickness. As my sparse blog posts will reflect, I didn't do nuffin sufficiently. My mind was weak, and it reflected in my physical health. It started with the flu, annnnnnd it went downhill from thurr. And you know what? I'm happy as hell I went through it. One might ask if I finally lost my marbles. I would answer in the affirmative. There is one dadgummed marble left. Un marble. At least that saptapper is blue! Have a drink with me, Delegation. This is going to be one hellified ride. Keep yo hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Or not. Hell. I just hope you met your deductible. This year, I solemnly swear to do all the things. Whatsenever Tam wants to do shall be done. I am too much yo do so little! Do you know the average Tam lamented 14 times a day during the average work week in 2015? I never hid the fact that I was (and still am) battli...