Racists, Go To Hell. Signed, Tam.

Today was the day that I realized that I've had absolutely enough of the racism bullshit that I see online. I think that I've grown tired of it all. See, the way The Tam works with racists is that she hits them right back with the very words that they've used to try to hurt me. I laugh in their faces. I stand eye to eye with them and make them reverence me. Only in one situation did someone not cower down, and even as that apologetic racist stood firm, I told him "at least you're a bold dumbass. That's what I'm talmbout, son". For me, a racist is the lowest of the low. That person has made a conscious decision to do one of the following: 1. Formulate an opinion of a person based on the color of their skin or 2. Allow someone to indoctrinate them so solidly that they can't think for themselves, and thus mistreat a person because of their race. So to me, you, in the words of "Got 2 B Real", "are low c...