Hello, Jive Chaps!

Hello Saints and Ain'ts! I'm feeling better today, not remotely bad. I've come to realize that I need not beat myself up this week. I think I did enough of that last week. And the week befo'. Right now, I'm posted up in the Den of Inequity doing what one does in my situation: apply for ALL the jobs! Methinks I've put in for about 50+ jobs. All the interviews I've had have been dealerships. Apparently, car lots need humans. I am a human. Truth be told, I would much prefer a 9-5, 8-4 or something of the sort. Alas, I cannot turn down jobs if they pay well. The market likes to hire people who are already working..instead of people who are NOT working and could thus start working almost immediately. Dumbness. The job market right now is not BAD, but it's really petty in Memphis. Getting to an interview on your own merit is really rough, but not impossible. Thus far, trying to get somewhere on my own merit seem...