I'm Pro-Choice. You're Pro-Life. I Respect You...But You Call Me a Murderer
Since I'm on a "Mad as Hell" tip right now, I might as well share what else pissed me off today.I have never attacked anyone for being Pro-Life. Never. Now, I will tell a Pro-Lifer if I see through their propaganda or don't appreciate their half-truths, but I won't outright say "YOU NEED TO BE PRO-CHOICE, BITCHES".As with anyone whose beliefs and opinions differ from mine, I say that I respect them. We can discuss our views, we can share our thoughts, but trust that I won't be trying to convert you and you shouldn't expect me to follow suit.So, I commented under a post by Wendi Thomas in the Commercial Appeal saying " How Can Religious Folk Be So Heartless ". I didn't get to read her article (because our paper got salty that we were reading them online like a boss, so they limit you to "x" clicks per month or you must subscribe if you aren't a current print subscriber). Wendi has a nice following of humans, then she...