
Showing posts from February, 2012

I'm Pro-Choice. You're Pro-Life. I Respect You...But You Call Me a Murderer

Since I'm on a "Mad as Hell" tip right now, I might as well share what else pissed me off today.I have never attacked anyone for being Pro-Life. Never. Now, I will tell a Pro-Lifer if I see through their propaganda or don't appreciate their half-truths, but I won't outright say "YOU NEED TO BE PRO-CHOICE, BITCHES".As with anyone whose beliefs and opinions differ from mine, I say that I respect them. We can discuss our views, we can share our thoughts, but trust that I won't be trying to convert you and you shouldn't expect me to follow suit.So, I commented under a post by Wendi Thomas in the Commercial Appeal saying " How Can Religious Folk Be So Heartless ". I didn't get to read her article (because our paper got salty that we were reading them online like a boss, so they limit you to "x" clicks per month or you must subscribe if you aren't a current print subscriber). Wendi has a nice following of humans, then she...

Smart...But Sad

This is brought to you today by Rickey Ray's Whiskey & Beauty Supply Rickey says " If we ain't got it, don't worry about it ". Now...for my two piece and a pepper. This past Sunday, we witnessed a good old fashioned bit of comedy in light of the death of one of the industry's greats. Said comedy was The Grammys. And if it wasn't supposed to be funny, then they didn't do it right. I laughed when I wasn't clapping for and singing with Adele. One of the smaller bits of amusement came from Lady Gaga. She was actually quiet for a change. But she had on a hair net and had a scepter. I'm yet confuddled. Even when being mild, she finds something at Hobby Lobby to make an ensemble. Go figure. Now...the biggest bit of hilarity is ol' Onika. Ol' Onika. If SHE didn't go far left Sunday! I had to go get me some vinegar and a Tramadol. I didn't see this on the red carpet. When I saw her seated, I thought she ...