
Showing posts from October, 2011

Alright, we know Steve Jobs has passed...

..but don't forget to read up on Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth..

I'll be continuing to PASS THROUGH Alabama...

“The vanishing began Wednesday night, the most frightened families packing up their cars as soon as they heard the news. They left behind mobile homes, sold fully furnished for a thousand dollars or even less. Or they just closed up and, in a gesture of optimism, left the keys with a neighbor. Dogs were fed one last time; if no home could be found, they were simply unleashed. Two, 5, 10 years of living here, and then gone in a matter of days, to Tennessee, Illinois, Oregon, Florida, Arkansas, Mexico — who knows? Anywhere but Alabama. The exodus of Hispanic immigrants began just hours after a federal judge in Birmingham upheld most provisions of the state’s far-reaching immigration enforcement law.” — ...

I Am the 99%

“ College debt shows up a lot in these stories, actually. It’s more insistently present than housing debt, or even unemployment. That might speak to the fact that the protests tilt towards the young. But it also speaks, I think, to the fact that college debt represents a special sort of betrayal. We told you that the way to get ahead in America was to get educated. You did it. And now you find yourself in the same place, but buried under debt. You were lied to. ” — “Who are the 99 percent?,” Ezra Klein, The Washington Post (via hold-a-wolfs-ears ) truth. (via dopegirlfresh )

I Love The POTUS

Image → stfuconservatives : President Barack Obama criticises Republican silence on booing of gay soldier. (x) He needs to bust out that face and finger more often, it just screams “I have had. enough. of. you.” - Joe It’s also a part of “The Continuing Adventures of Barack Obama, ...