Where are the GOOD Black Men? aka-Time to Piss Off the Neighbors!
MAN! It's been a LONG time since I wrote anything! I don't really know why, but we ain't worrying about the past! Let's proceed in this general cardinal direction. First of all...Hello! Second of all...I'm accepting donations for steak. Now, on to my note... WELP! I was listening to Tom Joyner yesterday and Jacque Reid had a gentleman on her segment who had written a book titled "The Denzel Principle: Why Black Women Can’t Find A Good Black Man" by Jimi Izrael. Within a short period of time, I could tell that Jacque did NOT agree nor receive one word that Jimi said. From what I gathered in his short (and highly interrupted) segment, he stated that this book was written from HIS experiences and that he was sharing HIS opinions. Jimi also stated that in his two failed marriages, both women expressed to him that he should be more like Denzel. Hmm. He also stated that statistics show that 42% of Black women are unmarried, but felt that this number wasn...