Thoughts I Think Whilst Unemploy-ed

I have come to the realization that I am crazy as a bag full of cats. I think it's best that I accept this. I don't know how much of the ebb and flow is due to me not working..and how much is due to me just realizing I'm nuts. Anyways, chile. I decided to do a little blog therapy to help clear my mind of whimsy. I've been so sad lately that I find it's time to find that humor in the midst of sadness. It's a gift that I've found to get me through tough times in my life. Laugh to keep from crying. Or laugh while I'm crying and do that odd sniveling laughy thingy. *You know what's funny about the whole "you're overqualified" thing? Telling a mofo who CHOSE to apply for the job that "you're too damn good for this job, and we fear that you're going to break camp as soon as someone offers to pay you more". Shiiiiid yeah! You really think I'm going to be like "nah, dun..I don't want $5k more per ...