Well It Worked for Me...
I reckons being prostrate for two and a half weeks makes a person think a lot. I thought back to my childhood. All the beauty and such. I realize that I was among the last generation who was fortunate enough to get the raw, unabridged, unedited childhood before lawsuits and parental drama took away the fun. If'n you haven't experienced a hot metal slide in the summer, you have not truly been a child. Children today have been truly deprived. Not just because of all the stuff that we did, but because they aren't being allowed to learn life lessons the good old fashioned way. Whether you had one parent or both was almost irrelevant. Just having the experience of being a kid in our days taught you a lot. Truth be told, methinks that I learned more just from being allowed to do it. What I mean is simple: kids aren't even being allowed to be kids. Let me share with you some lessons I learned and how I learn-ed them. *You can't win 'em all: ...