
Showing posts from November, 2013


See. See. I blame Jeremy.

Earth Wind & Fire - Angels Mix & Imagination

Now you see why I love Earth Wind & Fire so much...

Feeling Cute as Hell (GIF Thuggin')



Had a moment. ~Fin



365 Days Ago on This Day o' Our Lort...

..I had gastric bypass surgery.. Yes, I did. But if you have read any of my blogs, posts, rants and whatnot, you'd know this already.  I never made a secret of it, so you don't have to worry about me being all Star Jones-ed and exposed.  When you make a major life-changing decision such as losing weight, people are going to know.  Therefore, I never hid the fact that I chose this tool. Life, food, sickness and depression did a good ass job of helping me creep up to 411 pounds.  I can't really pinpoint WHEN I noticed that I had veered over from my usual pudgy to painfully overweight.  I've always been a big girl, ALWAYS been Pretty Plus thuggin.  But this here pic shows the way I looked most of my 20's.. Yes, the aforementioned photo is the way I looked for a good while.  In the 300's, but not too terribly huge in my eyes.  Alas, so many things happened..pretty soon, I had crossed over. Decisions, Decisions My official breaking p...

Jonathan Martin, I Respect You

I think the title says it all, but I strongly respect Jonathan for coming forward. To be a man of color in the NFL willing to walk away for the sake of his safety says a lot. To be open about the abuse that he was subjected to by Richie just inspires me. He did something that many men, let alone men of color, would not do. Make no bones about it, Martin was bullied. He was harassed. He was verbally abused. His work environment was made hostile. Incognito did not just give him a little playful rookie heckling, he threatened Jonathan's life.  As if he did not disrespect that man enough, he calls him a "half nigger". Yes, yes, y'all...add racism to that. My support of Jonathan Martin comes because he went against society's norms. Before the content of the voicemails were released, commenters confirmed why many men stay silent when they are victimized: "Dude, man up" "Rookies can't hack it" "Punk" "Wimp" Even t...