Tam's Two Cents, aka-High Tax Time Gankery
*in Baptist preacher voice* I won't be before ya long... It's been a while since I shared my thoughts with you all, but I had something to get off my chest portion. Last night, I saw a news report about Super Fast Taxes and how they ganked a lady out of $1800. Go here if you didn't see it (http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/dpp/news/local/022711-tax-filers-cheated-out-of-refunds). As I watched it, I got angry. I got mad because people are being robbed by all of these refund places that pop up out of the woodwork. But what I got angriest about is how ignorance spreads in our community and it seems as if we aren't doing a damn thing about it. The young lady stated that she went to that place because it was in walking distance, which was understandable. But if you look at the place, it looks about as janky as the Tape Man that popped up in beauty shops years ago. Of course, the IRS doesn't regulate those places because anyone can be a tax preparer. Hell, I could pr...